How To Break Your Current Limits And Create Radical Shifts In Life

Recently I had a powerful breakthrough moment in my own life — and it’s already shifted so many things for me. 

If you're subscribed to my newsletter or follow me on social media, you might have heard that my last breakthrough really elevated me to a higher level of impact in every single thing I do.

I’m seeing groundbreaking accelerations not just in my career but in how I feel about myself and my purpose.

It’s like a barrier has been lifted and it’s letting me share my message more powerfully and reach more people more deeply. 

That’s why I’m kicking off the new season with a powerful reminder to everyone seeking to create real, lasting shifts in their life. 

Everyone and anyone who’s tired of being pulled back by resistance needs to understand what’s happening inside them on a nervous-system level that makes them hit these walls. 

But most people don’t know how to process their resistance, let alone understand it. 

And even fewer people have mastery over the subconscious patterns that affect them emotionally and mentally — so that’s what I’m about to share with you today. 

Here’s a quick snapshot of what we’re about to cover:

  1. Where inner limits come from 
  2. Why having inner clarity is so important
  3. What happens when these limits remain unresolved  
  4. Practical ways to overcome internal limits (backed by neuroscience)

Getting Clarity: Do You Know What's Keeping You Stuck Now? 

I always say that having clarity is the VERY first thing you need to have before jumping into this inner work. 

Clarity means you understand exactly what subconscious programming you run, what specific inner fears trigger you to run this programming, and where in your past this pattern first emerged. 

As you do the work to gain clarity into what’s happening inside you, you’re not just identifying patterns, you’re releasing shame. 

You’re releasing shame and self-guilt you once had towards yourself because the truth is it’s not YOU that was holding you back, it was the subconscious patterns from your past. 

You can’t overcome a program you don’t understand. 

There has to be a deep understanding as to why your nervous system runs this limiting pattern to begin with.  

And when you do transcend these limits, you will also replace fear-based programming with love-based programming. 

Eventually, having clarity opens the gateway for you to develop other love-based habits that will aid your breakthroughs.

These healthy patterns include:  

  • A deeper understanding of what happens inside you subconsciously 
  • Unshakeable self-acceptance for yourself exactly where you are now 
  • Self-forgiveness: clarity means you stop beating yourself up for past programming 
  • Space for you to master your emotions here and now; you’re no longer tethered to the past

Resolving The Past, Rewiring For The Future 

Most people assume that they run patterns of self-sabotage or anxiety because they’re lazy or weak. 

But that’s not true — you have these patterns because at some point in your history, you needed those patterns to keep you safe. 

Maybe you had a past experience where it was dangerous to create connections with people around you. 

And as a response to keep you safe, your nervous system developed patterns of isolation, detachment, and withdrawal. 

The inner limits that frustrate you now actually come from unconscious programming in your nervous system that’s there to keep you safe. 

Be compassionate with yourself and give yourself grace. 

Turn inward to the patterns frustrating you now and be thankful for them and grateful for them. 

Yes, they’re not serving you now, but at one point you needed that pattern to reach the place where you’re at today. 

There’s no point in expressing anger to the subconscious nervous system inside you that’s only trying to keep you safe. 

In fact, you’re going to find it very difficult to break into a new level of power, confidence, and impact if you don’t show up for yourself from a place of love. 

You need to be real with yourself about your patterns, but you also need to be loving towards yourself if you want to rewire them. 

The only way you can convince your subconscious mind to replace your old programming with new programming is to create deep inner love and acceptance in yourself.

Practical Ways To Overcome Limits 

Before I dive into the neuroscience behind why we have limits and how to break them, I need you to understand this; limits are normal. 

Hitting limits and experiencing feelings of resistance are an inevitable part of your journey. It’s going to happen whether you like it or not if you’re trying to break out of your limits and reach your next level. 

In fact, sometimes feeling resistance is a good sign. It could mean you’re getting so much closer to your next level that your nervous system gets triggered and activates ‘alert-mode.’

But just because your nervous system is ‘alerted’ and gone into stress-mode doesn’t mean you SHOULD be stressed. 

The stress-response is coming from a past program based on a past experience — it’s a messenger simply informing you what your body is feeling, not a dictator forcing you to feel the stress. 

If you want to understand exactly what happens inside you when you hit a limit, you need to understand how your nervous system operates. 

Here are some practical tips to help you overcome limits on a nervous system level: 

  1. Be prepared for resistance to show up: not only is resistance inevitable, but when you expect something to happen, it’s less likely to scare you or trigger your ‘panic-mode’
  2. Don’t beat yourself up for running patterns you don’t like: getting angry at yourself will never help you heal faster. It will deepen your emotional wounds and slow down your breakthrough 
  3. Find your tribe and co-regulate: emotional regulation is important, but it’s also important to have a loving safe space of the right people you can co-regulate with when difficult emotions come up

 A Quick Review

The limits you have now don’t have to define your future — unless you choose them to. 

There are real, proven, results-driven strategies to help you not only uncover the patterns you run but create new ones that serve your breakthroughs. 

Here are the biggest takeaways to keep in mind: 

  • Before you jump into the inner work, get clarity first 
  • Your limiting patterns are rooted in past experiences you haven’t moved on from 
  • It’s not your fault you run this unconscious patterns; your nervous system is trying to keep you safe
  • Be loving and grateful towards the patterns keeping you stuck; there was a point in your past where you needed them to survive 
  • Don’t beat yourself up for experiencing resistance; expect it to show up
  • Expect resistance but don’t give into it; choose freedom instead


Tune in to the full episode now for more insights, more lessons, and more practical tips for your next breakthrough!

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