Season 5: #27 - How to Go From Deep Struggle to Billion-Dollar Impact: Lloyd Roberts’ Epic Journey

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What if your biggest struggles were actually your greatest gifts? Are you ready to stop playing small and step into the life-changing impact you were born to create? 

In this episode of Making It Happen with Henry Ammar, I sit down with the truly inspirational Lloyd Roberts who has not only risen from terminal illness, but also risen as a leading billion-dollar FinTech entrepreneur.  

This is a must-listen to anyone but especially those who know they have so much more value to give the world but are stuck; stuck in safety, stuck in certainty and comfort and routine. 

I’m telling you—this is the awakening you need. In this episode, Lloyd shares the most pivotal revelations that have elevated him the most to being the most impactful, value-giving leader he can be to his family and his business. 

We’re talking about the deep inner work you have to start with if you want to end up in a place of power, impact, and true transformative legacy building in your life. 

This is where it starts. 

What you get inside the episode:

How to struggle well: Learn why avoiding struggle isn’t the answer, and how embracing it makes you stronger and more fulfilled.

Certainty is an illusion: Discover how letting go of the need for certainty and embracing the unknown leads to the most powerful growth.

Lloyd’s philosophy for fulfillment: Lloyd’s proven framework that will help you become the best version of yourself, even in the face of adversity.

Transforming wealth into impact: Understand why money is just a magnifier, and how to use it to make a real difference in the world.

Faith and purpose as your foundation: Why anchoring yourself in faith and higher purpose helps you navigate even the toughest moments with clarity and strength.

How to avoid regret: Lloyd shares the mindset that will help you live every day fully so that when you look back, you’ll have zero regrets about what you’ve done—or didn’t do.


(00:00) Introduction: Lloyd’s journey from terminal illness to entrepreneurship 

(09:04) How to struggle well

(16:02) Letting go of certainty

(23:17) Balancing success and family (learning from building a unicorn)

(31:47) Money as a magnifier: Using wealth to build your legacy

(37:34) The power of faith and purpose 

(45:41) The G-Cubed Formula

Enjoy the episode 🎙️






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