Reasons Why You’re Stuck: Powerful Techniques To Step Into Psychological Freedom

Being stuck sucks. We’ve all experienced it at some point in our lives, a feeling that the thing we’re trying so hard to chase keeps getting further and further away from us.

But what if I told you that there is a way to not only get unstuck but also to step into psychological freedom to unlock the most authentic, most impactful part of you? 

Being stuck is the exact opposite of having inner, psychological freedom. 

It's a freedom created inside you to authentically express, be, and accomplish everything that you were born to be. 

There’s 2 major sides to unlocking your internal blocks and stepping into psychological freedom, so let’s break them down: 

First, you need an extremely logical (but loving!) look into what are the patterns that show up for you that keep you stuck. 

These could be thought patterns, limiting beliefs you’ve formulated, emotional triggers, or even patterns of unhealthy relationships. In any case, you won’t get far in your journey if you can’t identify what you need to be unstuck from. 

Second, you need a scientific evidence-based perspective of what's really happening underneath the surface. 

Get ready because this is absolutely PACKED with many key principles you need to lock in to create the radical breakthroughs you need, including: 

  • Identifying the patterns, habits, and values that keep us stuck
  • How to resolve the misalignment between where you are and where you want to be
  • What is happening inside us psychologically making us stuck 
  • Why we need emotional mastery to reach inner freedom
  • The secrets to subconscious reprogramming 

Getting Out Of Survival Mode 

You could be working endlessly to create a radical shift in your life, your income, your relationships — but unless you can get your nervous system out of survival mode, it would be extremely hard to create the psychological and emotional breakthroughs you need. 

But have you ever wondered what is happening inside you on a nervous system level that’s causing you to stay trapped in survival mode? 

When you experience resistance, don’t assume it means “I’m going to be stuck at this level forever”. 

What it really means is, “I've either never done that before” or “when I did this in the past, I would experience something negative”. 

Everything you do now stems from an internal program in your nervous system based on experiences you've had in the past. 

Your identity, habits, values, and your self-belief all come from past experiences, but what if your past patterns aren’t serving you anymore? 

Your nervous system might be rejecting your attempts to move forwards because:

  1. You’re doing something you've never done before
  2. You’re trying to do something that used to make you feel less safe or have less connection in the past

Your body doesn’t know whether or not this new level is safe, so it’s going to create a lot of resistance for you when you reach that next level. 

A lot of people call this the “comfort zone,” but it’s really a ‘survival zone’ because your body thinks this is the only way for you to survive.  

Also, if you’re a high-functioning person, you’re probably not comfortable in your comfort zone. You’re frustrated by being held back so you take it out on yourself and you feel shame and guilt for not being where you want to be. 

The most important thing for you to know is this; you can’t beat yourself into healing. 

You will experience negative emotions — that’s just part of the process. And the best thing you can do to keep moving forward is to befriend your emotions and try to understand them. 

Make Friends With Your Emotions

There is no psychological freedom without emotional freedom. And the fact is most people have not mastered the art of liberating their feelings. 

Most people are overstimulated, dysregulated, and easily triggered. They can’t create positive transformations for themselves because they can’t handle the difficult, messy emotions that will inevitably pop up on their journey. 

That’s why it’s so important to make friends with your emotions. 

When you were a child, what were the most important things you looked for? You looked for acceptance, love, attention, and connection. 

Treat your emotions as if they were a child begging for your love and attention. If you don’t, you’re hurting your body the same way that caused these negative emotions to show up in the first place. 

Maybe your nervous system is holding on to past traumatic experiences where you would feel unsafe and fear losing connection.

If you’re struggling in your relationships it might be because you build high walls around you that keep people out. 

Your emotional distress isn’t going away until you identify where it stems from and resolve it with love and compassion. 

Renowned trauma-expert Dr. Gabor Mate calls this process “compassionate curiosity.” 

It’s a powerful experience of radical self-awareness with love when you meet your emotions where they are, acknowledge that they’re hurting, and pour so much love into the pain that the emotion transforms from pain to power. 

We need emotional mastery before we reach inner freedom. 

Emotional mastery means understanding our emotions and learning to accept ourselves for who we are.

Understanding your difficult emotions and resolving them is how you get your nervous system out of stress mode and on board the next level. 

It starts with compassion, love, and acceptance for where we are in our journey. We must make friends with our emotions and understand what they're trying to tell us. 

This is the key to healing and teaching our nervous system that we are safe in the present moment.

In a nutshell, you know you’ve reached emotional mastery when you have your emotions, but your emotions don't have you.

It’s how you navigate difficult emotional moments with confidence and certainty in an uncertain world.

 A Quick Review 

Just because you feel resistance holding you back now, that doesn’t mean this is always where you’ll be. 

If you want to make these changes now and unleash your radical power now, here’s what you need to keep in mind: 

  • You’re not stuck because you’re unworthy, you’re stuck because of survivor mode 
  • Develop emotional mastery to be lovingly ‘with’ your emotions but not ‘in’ them
  • You will inevitably face resistance in your journey, expect it to feel it. It’s okay
  • Feeling resistance can mean you’re getting closer to your goal
  • Be compassionately curious about the difficult emotions you face 
  • Your limits aren’t a part of you — they’re patterns you can change through subconscious reprogramming.

Remember, your limits don’t have to define you. You can breakthrough and create radical transformations that shift your life and everything around you.

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