Season 4: #29  - If You Have a Hard Time Receiving, You Need to Hear This! with Henry Ammar

Season 4: #29 - If You Have a Hard Time Receiving, You Need to Hear This! with Henry Ammar

podcast: all episodes podcast: solo episode


In this deeply insightful episode Henry Ammar gets super personal about why receiving is just as important as giving.

If you have a hard time receiving love, help, support, or even just simple compliments from others, then you need to listen to this episode to understand why this attitude is holding you back.

This episode explains why:

You’re not comfortable receiving love, help, or support even when you need it

Maintaining a balance of receiving and giving is crucial for the success of any relationship, friendship, and business

You need to get comfortable with receiving if you want to create greater impact, influence, and income

Relationships fail when you refuse to receive from the other person

The best leaders understand when to give and when to receive

The act of receiving is part of a natural cycle that leads to greater abundance, influence, love, and impact

You’re not selfish if you accept help from others

If you want to give more, you need to start receiving more

Chances are you’d rather be a “giver” rather than a “receiver” because you have so much love, light, and power you want to share with the world – but love and generosity need to go both ways.

Think about it, if you’re interacting with something and they’re not receiving the gifts you’re trying to give them, you would just sense an imbalance because love needs to be given and taken.

Tune in and enjoy this episode!

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