Season 4: #41 -

Season 4: #41 - "Manifestation, Self-Love, and Confidence: How does it work?" Lessons From Jon Hillstead

podcast: all episodes podcast: guest episode

In this episode, Henry interviews the incredible Jon Hillstead for a super important discussion on how to hit reset on a life that doesn’t fulfill you.

Jon went from crippling social anxiety and being on the brink of suicide to growing and evolving so much he’s now sharing the modalities and principles that helped him get to the level of growth and freedom he’s embodying now.

Tune in now to learn:

  • A 3-step formula for knowing if you’re truly connected to your purpose or not
  • The power of living in true alignment with your values (and what happens when you don’t!)
  • Why you must listen to your instincts and body more to heal from anxiety
  • How to unlock an elevated level of self-love and trust within you so you become your own guide
  • What it means to be “walking yourself home”
  • How to tune out the noise of everyone around you and hyper focus on YOUR needs
  • How to manifest the future you want to create
  • Using visualization and embodiment techniques to tap into the identity you want to become

There’s so much noise out there on what people need to be doing right now to keep growing and the truth is it doesn’t always work for everyone.

That’s why it’s so refreshing to hear Jon share the modalities that worked for him because they’re based on listening to your body, learning to trust your gut, and finding an elevated sense of peace and safety within yourself. It’s a must-listen for anyone ready to take their next step in life!

Episode is out now! Tune in and enjoy.

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